Who Is Jesus?

Son of God

He was sent by God the Father and born on earth miraculously. Jesus is God’s only Begotten Son. He who is One with the Father, took on flesh and lived among us.

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The Savior

He was sent to save the world from sin, to take the punishment you and I deserve on Himself, to pay our debt to God, so that we might be forgiven of it all.

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Giver of Life

He was nailed to a cross and died, only to be raised back to life as only God could do, defeating the power of death, so that you and I might have new life in Him.

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Who Are You?

in God’s Image

You were made in the image of the Creator of the universe, with gifts and abilities not given to all His created beings.

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Separated from God

You, like me, fall short of God’s perfection because of the sin in your life. It is this sin that separates you from God.

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Enough 2 Die For

Jesus died a horrible and painful death for crimes He did not commit. He did this for someone He loved dearly…you.

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Lost Til
You’re Found

We have all gone astray, away from God, but He seeks us out, and so He is seeking you out even today, so that you might have new life.

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So What Now?

The truth about who Jesus Christ is, and who you are in your relationship to Him means everything. So what now?


So What Now?

The truth about who Jesus Christ is, and who you are in your relationship to Him means everything. So what now?


I Already Have a Religion

This is not about religion, but about a true and real relationship with the God who loves you. You may not have this. Please read.

I Already Have a Religion

This is not about religion, but about a true and real relationship with the God who loves you. You may not have this. Please read.


I’m A Good Person

Most of us try to do our best to be good people. But are we actually “good”. Maybe not. Please read.


I’m A Good Person

Most of us try to do our best to be good people. But are we actually “good”. Maybe not. Please read.


You Don’t Know What I’ve Done

I don’t. But God does, and His offer is the same for you as for all the others, come to me with a humble heart and I will forgive you, and make you pure and white as snow.

You Don’t Know What I’ve Done

I don’t. But God does, and His offer is the same for you as for all the others, come to me with a humble heart and I will forgive you, and make you pure and white as snow.


You Don’t Know What They’ve Done To Me

Only God knows what you’ve been through, and He does indeed know and care more than you could imagine. His love offers you healing, and peace, and hope.


You Don’t Know What They’ve Done To Me

Only God knows what you’ve been through, and He does indeed know and care more than you could imagine. His love offers you healing, and peace, and hope.


The Gospel

The gospel is the good news that although all of us fall short of God’s perfection and owe Him a great debt we cannot repay, because of His great love for us, God sent His Son Jesus, to live a perfect life we could not live, and then take the punishment for our sins by dying on a cross. Jesus then rose from the dead defeating the power of death for all time.

The promise God makes to you, is that if you would call on the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins, believing that His death paid the price for them in full, and that He rose from the dead, then you will be saved, forgiven, made clean, and become a child of the living God.