Imperfect, Separated from God

We all have sinned, done wrong, and because of this we are separated from God.

“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

God is perfect and holy, He does nothing wrong, He is pure, and He is also just. By just this means that He cannot live with sin, He cannot allow sin and rebellion.

“Who is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, majestic in holiness..” Exodus 15:11

“Your way, O God, is holy; What god is great like our God?” Psalm 77:13

You, like me, have sinned against God whether you know it or not. It is our pride, our anger, our hate, our lust, our desire to be god of our own lives, our gossip, our deception, it is all these things that separate us from God. We live apart from God, we do not know Him because we cannot know Him the way we are, it is as if we are His enemy because of what is in our hearts. There is nothing we can do, no “good deed” good enough to clean the slate of all the wrong we’ve done. We are almost without hope….almost.

But God loved us so much that He did not leave us in this state. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to live a perfect life that we could never live, and die on a cross for our sins so that the separation that exists between us and God could be destroyed. By taking the punishment for our sins, the death of Jesus reconciled us to God. It is through this single most important event that we can now be close to God, have a personal and intimate and real relationship with Him in this life and the next.

Would you like to turn to Jesus today, for the forgiveness of your sins and the saving of your soul?