A Promised King

Around 700 years before the birth of Jesus, a man named Isaiah from the nation of Israel wrote down an account of things that his God spoke to him about his beloved country Israel, her people, and their future. Among these writings is the foretelling of a coming King and Savior who would rescue God’s people from their sins.

Isaiah was one of many who foretold this coming King and Messiah (Savior). His writings are contained in the book of the Holy Bible called Isaiah.

Among those things that Isaiah’s writings foretold, were that that the Savior would be born to a virgin woman (Isaiah 7:14). Hundreds of years later this did indeed happen, as recorded in Luke 1:34-35.

He foretold that this Savior would heal people with miraculous power (Isaiah 35:4-6). This also did happen hundreds of years later during the ministry of Jesus (Matthew 11:3-6).

Isaiah foretold that this coming Savior would be despised and rejected by men (Isaiah 53:3). This indeed was the case in the life of Jesus Christ, as he was rejected to the point of being put to death on a cross (see Matthew 8:34 , Mark 6:3, Luke 4:28-29, Matthew 27:21-22).

Most importantly Isaiah foretold that this Savior, would take the punishment for all the evil deeds done by all of mankind (Isaiah 53:5). And so it came to pass that Jesus did exactly that (2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 2:9) by dying on a cross, not because He had sinned, but to pay the debt all of mankind had to God.

God has said that if you would believe that this Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and that He rose from the grave, and repent of your old way of life and turn to Jesus, you will be forgiven and saved. You will become a child of God.

Would you like to ask Jesus to forgive you today and to begin a relationship with Him right now?